Saturday, 23 July 2011

Untitled as yet..................... :(

Time stakes its claim on opportunity
And matches its steps with it,
Yet we foolishly betray our wisdom
And fall prey to the guiles of time.

Stone and ring, talisman and thread
Chant and prayer, ash and lead;
The harbingers of time yet to arrive.
The saffron men reading the lines
On the palm, on the feet, on the forehead
Earning and creating good times.

The chemical magnetism of the stone
Directing the flows of our woes,
The already burnt ash burns our sorrow
The coloured threads tie up
Our joys; preventing their escape
Ensuring our perpetual blessedness.

We continue doing our duty,
Yet when nature bestows upon us
Its wrath,its bounty,
Its blessings, its fury,
Its definitely not us but the fated time
Which is responsible for all the crime.

( Please do suggest something for the last 2 lines..............................a case of forced rhyme scheme)

Sunday, 3 July 2011


The stars twinkle
The flowers bloom
The birds chirp
Devoid of gloom.

                             The golden sun
                             Spreads its rays
                             Bringing joy and hope,
                             On every face.

The entire atmosphere
Spells out mirth
The dormant dew
Bursts out forth

                             The silver moon
                             Spreads glee and cheer
                             Ah happiness
                             You are finally here

(A)'Live" Funeral

The bridal garments, shimmering golden,
The eyes flooded; the sun sits ashamed,
All the surroundings wept and wept
For their beautiful flower, their flower
About to wither.......................

A pyre of sandal arranged away; here
Is a life to be corpsed, a bud;
'All will end soon'; they say as ever felt
The unsaid speaks, 'along with you'.

The elders drag her to the sandal
"You will become immortal,
And the body is but ethereal.'

Unable to flee, she mounts the pyre
All weep, but the waters do not
Quench the fire which hold her.
The next second, a pile of ashes remain.

My musings again

My arms outstretched in my dreams
To hold you, touch you, feel you,
Drawn back to my self again
Reality, indeed, is bitter.
Walking along the countryside
Expecting your footprints next to mine
The cool breeze mocks my loneliness
Chill permeates my being.

My every breath only to complement yours,
My being has forgotten to live on its own,
I exist, I breathe; just for the sake of it,
My soul has been wrenched apart from me,
Half alive or half dead,I would not know
I sleep so that I can dream of you
I wake only to; somehow somewhere
Catch your glimpse in the throngs.

Someday, somewhere, our paths will cross again,
Let me kiss you goodbye till then………………..


Everytime I pick up my pen
I hold it for a few moments
And then put it aside
The paper waits; unwritten, blank
A pall of gloom descends
Why, is it so, as if to deride,
That I am unable to write
And I sit, a pen in my hand,
And my thoughts in a faraway land,
My faculties go bleak, my fingers eager,
Words hesitate to come out
And the tears, they softly sprout