Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Please hug me, I wont cause you AIDS

In school everyone veered away
From me, I was not allowed to play
On the sanctimonious see-saws and swings
I was not even allowed to touch their things.

I was defiled they said
And they called it AIDS
Worse still,
They ridiculed my mom and dad long dead.

My teacher held my hand
Told me that I was positive,
HIV positive .
That the chances of my survival were few
Very few,
Just like my parents died,
Someday I would too.

I was just five then, you see,
So I did not understand much,
But five years wiser, now I know
That soon I will die too.

But do not shirk away from me
This AIDS , by touching, you wont contract
You see,
I am also a child of God
Entitled to love as any,
Being punished for no fault of mine
Shortening my already short time

Please hug me, I wont cause you AIDS.