Sunday, 3 July 2011

My musings again

My arms outstretched in my dreams
To hold you, touch you, feel you,
Drawn back to my self again
Reality, indeed, is bitter.
Walking along the countryside
Expecting your footprints next to mine
The cool breeze mocks my loneliness
Chill permeates my being.

My every breath only to complement yours,
My being has forgotten to live on its own,
I exist, I breathe; just for the sake of it,
My soul has been wrenched apart from me,
Half alive or half dead,I would not know
I sleep so that I can dream of you
I wake only to; somehow somewhere
Catch your glimpse in the throngs.

Someday, somewhere, our paths will cross again,
Let me kiss you goodbye till then………………..

1 comment:

  1. hmmm...
    Beautiful !
    Original verse like this cannot simply be "I liked z words", as U say for Ur fb posts
    This depth only comes from being charred ...
