Saturday, 23 July 2011

Untitled as yet..................... :(

Time stakes its claim on opportunity
And matches its steps with it,
Yet we foolishly betray our wisdom
And fall prey to the guiles of time.

Stone and ring, talisman and thread
Chant and prayer, ash and lead;
The harbingers of time yet to arrive.
The saffron men reading the lines
On the palm, on the feet, on the forehead
Earning and creating good times.

The chemical magnetism of the stone
Directing the flows of our woes,
The already burnt ash burns our sorrow
The coloured threads tie up
Our joys; preventing their escape
Ensuring our perpetual blessedness.

We continue doing our duty,
Yet when nature bestows upon us
Its wrath,its bounty,
Its blessings, its fury,
Its definitely not us but the fated time
Which is responsible for all the crime.

( Please do suggest something for the last 2 lines..............................a case of forced rhyme scheme)

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you can try "Time decides, & we abide" for z last line!
    I like z tone of this poem, "resigned to z ridiculous"
    Do decide a title.
    Also, do write some more.
    Long time, no post?
